Sunday, February 16, 2020

Lopez’s appearance was especially timely in light of her recent turn as the glamorous underdog Ramona in HustlersHer performance as a stripper who just wanted to get even had a metaphysical edge to it as Lopez, herself an underdog as an actress and a musician, finally got the credit she’s been fighting for her entire career.It’s curious, though, that 2020 marks the 16th year since Janet Jackson’s 2004 performance with Justin Timberlake and the infamous “wardrobe malfunction” that almost killed Jackson’s career. (Jackson was burdened with the blame and was blackballed for exposing a breast.) A decade and a half later, Shakira showed how much times have changed. She was clearly in charge of her sexuality onstage and emboldened by her own agency, with few dudes to speak of among her backup dancers. (Though Puerto Rican artist Bad Bunny accompanied Shakira for a song.) That feels a little like growth.

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